"Innovation and quality as a guarantee of sustainability."
With a continuous effort of sustained development, Monteiros seeks, through a young, dynamic and qualified work team, to provide the best offer within its activity sectors.
With more than six decades of history, the Monteiros Group seeks, with determination, to transform great challenges into solid achievements. Quality and delivery are hallmarks of the Group's performance, visible through the dedication and efficiency placed in each work and each project.
Values that define our attitude and corporate culture:
– Awareness of the company's social function;
– Flexibility / Diversification;
– Know-how (accumulated knowledge, experience) combined with innovation;
– Continuous updating of equipment, products, services;
– Investment in the qualification and professional training of our employees;
– Constant concern for the total satisfaction of our customers' needs.
In this department we develop and execute structural projects divided into four distinct areas: metal structures to support civil construction, structures complementary to frame systems - architectural structures (railings, stairs, chimneys, gates and automation, etc.), construction of pre-made metal structures -manufactured for the construction and industry market, export area – production of industrial concept (several structures per project).
Through Laser Technology we can cut almost any contour or design of different metallic materials, with different thicknesses, with reduced times and impeccable cut quality, without burrs, with high precision. The cutting edges are smooth and the cut pieces ready for packaging without further treatment. Combined with laser technology, we also carry out cutting, bending, welding, surface treatment and thermo-lacquering services.
Inspired by one of our mottos as a company as a whole that we defend (“Innovation and quality as a guarantee of sustainability”), we believe that the sustainable future also depends on the more efficient use of the resources available on our planet and as such we are committed to contribute to and foster a more environmentally friendly future. As such, Monteiros is a manufacturer and installer of efficient window frames (windows and doors) in PVC, aluminum and steel.
Our activity is based on three fundamental pillars:
- On the market since 1960
- Pioneers in PVC framing systems
- Hundreds of works installed every year
- Latest technology
- Innovative and efficient products
- Optimized manufacturing process
- Highly qualified professionals
- Use of top quality products
- Compliance with manufacturing and installation rules
Are you looking for a quality and reliable partner for your next project?

Inovação Incandescente: A Revolução Laser na Indústria Metalomecânica
A tecnologia laser redefine a metalomecânica com precisão e versatilidade extraordinárias. Cada feixe é uma promessa de cortes e marcações que contam histórias. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada luminosa rumo ao futuro da indústria metalomecânica 🔬

Janelas Eficientes: O Poder da Escolha Consciente e Sustentável
Ao optar por umas janelas eficientes não está só a tomar um decisão no presente, mas também a contribuir para um futuro mais sustentável 🏡

Support Program for More Sustainable Buildings 2023
The “Support Program for More Sustainable Buildings 2023” is now available, as part of Component C13 – “Energy Efficiency in Buildings” of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan.

PME Leader and PME Excellence
Monteiros has been recognized by IAPMEI – Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation as a PME Leader since 2009 and PME Excellence since 2010, maintaining the respective statutes to date.